The ChicaGO Dash bus service between Valparaiso and Chicago started on the right foot but then messed up when City officials purchased poorly designed, very uncomfortable buses. When the ChicaGO Dash service was launched, it advertised "first class" seating. That may have been a stretch, but the buses that were initially used (owned and operated by Free Enterprise, Inc.) were safe, comfortable and functional. Unfortunately, the service can't even claim to be comparable to coach seating on the buses Valparaiso purchased.
Ideally, City officials would understand the problems with the buses they purchased and begin addressing them. And while most regular riders believe that the problems are obvious, they most likely won't be to City officials who either don't ride the bus or certainly don't ride it on a regular basis. So, the intent of this site is to detail and discuss the problems with the ChicaGO Dash buses in the hope that Valparaiso officials will understand the issues and take the right actions to correct them.
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